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J.R. Simplot公司 offers our ag supply customers the highest quality dry and liquid fertilizers on the market. Our sophisticated distribution system ensures that we can be counted on to deliver, 即使是在需求最高的时期. Simplot’s sales team strives to develop strong relationships with our customers, 真正了解他们的需求. 我们专门的客户服务部门以订单的准确性而自豪. 我们延长了旺季的营业时间, 在线订单状态和遍布美国西部的广泛仓库系统.S. 降低运费,加快交货速度.
不管你是在找玉米发酵剂, 或者你需要在季节中期进行叶面施肥, Simplot’s low salt liquid fertilizers are designed to increase yield potential while maintaining operational efficiency, 从而提高你的底线.
40 rock™12-40-0-6.5s-1z
This new Simplot homogenous ammonium phosphate product is produced and sold out of our Rock Springs, 怀俄明州的植物. 40 ROCK™含有硫酸盐硫和硫酸锌的独特组合, 可立即获得作物和植物吸收.
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磷酸一铵,分析,11-52-0,是J.R. Simplot公司的干磷酸盐曲目. Simplot的MAP (11-52-0), 优秀的范围广吗, 所有需要氮磷营养的作物的农艺选择.
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磷酸单铵11-52-0 SSP w/AVAIL®(非CA/AZ)
磷酸一铵,分析,11-52-0,SSP with AVAIL®. 相同的Simplot一致的质量, 磷酸一铵产品, 特别增强了我们的新的AVAIL®技术. 享受更多的磷酸盐吸收与SSP 11-52-0 w/AVAIL®的好处.
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This ammonium phosphate fertilizer has the unique feature of containing up to 300 lbs. 硫酸盐硫,每均质吨. Simplot的16-20-0-(13/15S)是多才多艺的,因为它是营养均衡.
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磷酸单铵16-20-0 with AVAIL®(非CA/AZ)
This ammonium phosphate fertilizer has the unique feature of containing up to 300 lbs. 硫酸盐硫,每均质吨. Simplot的16-20-0-(13/15S)是万能的,因为它是营养均衡.
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As its name, and chemical formula denote, Simplot’s Ammonium Sulfate, is a two-in-one fertilizer. Its crystal form, and 21-0-0 analysis, are one of agriculture’s oldest solid forms of fertilizer.
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Urea contains the highest nitrogen percentage (46%) of all the solid fertilizers and is widely used as a nitrogen fertilizer for plants and as a protein substitute in ruminant animals feeds.
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SSN尿素46-0-0 (CA除外)
结合最具成本效益的干氮产品, 尿素, with the incredible technology of NutriSphere-N to significantly reduce Nitrogen loss.
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Agropell®全肥(XB) 6-24-24
XB代表“额外的奖金”,以及这个产品包含的XB包装! 本高分析磷酸盐和钾肥, 同质肥料还含有植物宝贵的硫和铁. 一种很好的蔬菜产品,长期以来一直是农业的最爱.
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Agropell®全肥料(XB) 6-24-24 with AVAIL®(非CA/AZ)
Agropell® fertilizer 6-24-24 XB w/AVAIL® completes this products recent make-over in analysis and technology. 磷酸盐增强剂AVAIL®的加入,真正完成了XB.
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这种营养均衡,均匀的颗粒肥料也提供300磅. 每吨硫的含量. 以硫酸盐形式将12与钾盐混合, 和作物的通用性, 一直以来都是加州农业的宠儿.
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As the analysis describes, Triple 15 offers balanced NPK nutrition, in each homogeneous pellet. 三重15提供高营养价值,以及200磅. 每吨的硫. 该产品是理想的果园和行作物应用.
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Agropell®全肥料15-15-15 with AVAIL®(无CA/AZ)
Agropell®产品处于最佳状态!! Our homogenous pellet 15-15-15, now features the exciting new phosphate nutrient enhancer, AVAIL®. The AVAIL® technology provides the opportunity for 15-15-15 applied crops to uptake a much greater percentage of phosphate fertilizer. More phosphate means healthier crops and a great opportunity for increased yields. 15-15-15 w/AVAIL®,对Simplot的旧喜爱的新转折.
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This homogenous fertilizer carries a N-P-K balance that closely matches tree and vine nutrient use. 硫酸盐形式的碳酸钾,超过300磅. 硫磺的每吨,圆这个可怕的干燥产品的特点.
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超级磷酸(SPA) 0-68-0
J.R. Simplot是美国西部的关键. S. 生产超磷酸. Super Phosphoric Acid containing fertilizers provide agriculture with two important advantages over the initial phosphoric acid technology of Ortho Phosphates:
2)在溶液中保持其金属阳离子的能力, 否则它们就会沉淀, 或者解决.
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Simplot liquid ammonium phosphate 11-37-0 is a transparent green liquid fertilizer containing 11% nitrogen and 37% phosphate. The phosphate component is composed of about 70% polyphosphate and 30% orthophosphate. 与大多数颗粒状磷酸盐材料不同,液体11-37-0是100%水溶性的. The polyphosphate content gives liquid 11-37-0 the ability to hold micronutrients in solution, 使它们更容易被植物吸收.
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Simplot Purified Phosphoric Acid, PPA, is purified by chemical and mechanical methods. The resulting stable acid is a nearly clear source of 75% H3P04 that is suited for use in drip irrigation systems and specialty liquid mixes.
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商品级磷酸(MGA) 0-52-0
Simplot商业级磷酸, 分析0-52-0, is a highly concentrated liquid that is effective in correcting phosphorus deficiencies in most crops, 在大多数土壤条件下. 磷酸100%可溶于水.
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CAN-17’s unique properties and performance, separate it from other liquid fertilizers. This product provides both nitrate and ammonic nitrogen and supplies a generous quantity of soluble calcium.
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硫酸- 93%
Simplot Sulfuric Acid is a highly concentrated source of sulfur for use as a soil amendment.
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The Simplot company manufactures and markets anhydrous ammonia primarily as an intermediate for the production of other fertilizer materials and for direct application as a nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture. Anhydrous ammonia contains 82% nitrogen and is the most concentrated form of all nitrogen fertilizers.
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Ammonium Nitrate Solution 20% is a clear, non pressure, liquid nitrogen fertilizer.
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Simplot氮溶液wan -28和wan -32是清晰的, 无压, 硝酸铵和尿素溶液. 它们含有三种形式的氮,提供分阶段释放的作物饲料. Both UAN-28 and UAN-32 are composed of 25% nitrate nitrogen, 25% ammonium nitrogen and 50% 尿素. 因为它们的处理和应用的通用性, 液体肥料为农民提供了有效的营养管理选择.
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Simplot liquid ammonium phosphate 10-34-0 is a transparent green liquid fertilizer containing 10% nitrogen and 34% phosphate. The phosphate component is composed of about 70% polyphosphate and 30% orthophosphate. 与大多数颗粒状磷酸盐材料不同,液体10-34-0是100%水溶性的. The polyphosphate content gives liquid 10-34-0 the ability to hold micronutrients in solution, 使它们更容易被植物吸收.
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AVAIL®颗粒剂 Fertilizer is now being offered to our “application qualified” dealer customer base. The product is specifically designed for application on dry phosphate fertilizers (11-52-0, 18-46-0 & 16-20-0). Potential dealer customers are asked to please consult with their respective Simplot Area Managers prior to ordering and product impregnation.
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AVAIL®液体 is a concentrate product specifically created for dealer application into liquid phosphate solutions (i.e. 10-34-0). AVAIL®液体 is easily blended into liquid solutions converting these fertilizers into premium liquid blends containing the incredible technology of AVAIL®. AVAIL®液体 is recommended for both pop-up and side-dress liquid phosphate applications (no irrigation runs). AVAIL®液体 provides low cost phosphate insurance to your liquid phosphate programs. 利用今天的技术来提高你的作物对磷酸盐的吸收. AVAIL®液体; liquid phosphate fertilizer for today’s nutrient efficiency demand.
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磷酸单铵11-52-0 SSP w/AVAIL®(非CA/AZ)
磷酸一铵,分析,11-52-0,SSP with AVAIL®. 相同的Simplot一致的质量, 磷酸一铵产品, 特别增强了我们的新的AVAIL®技术. 享受更多的磷酸盐吸收与SSP 11-52-0 w/AVAIL®的好处.
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